Friday, February 24, 2012

Chart Problem: Multiple values to y-axis for the the same x-axis value

I have a simple-column chart and in the x-axis I put the date values and in the y-axis the sale price values.

The chart works perfectly in the case when there is only one sale price for the same date. But, when the price changes during the same day, then there is problem. In the following example

x y

1/1/2007 6.25

2/1/2007 7

2/1/2007 4

3/1/2007 8

the chart will have three columns and in the date 2/1/2007 will display the min or max of the two values. What I need is to represent all the values i.e. the chart must have four columns , as much as the rows of the dataset

Is it possible?

It sounds like your category grouping is based on the DateTime value. Therefore, data values with the same timestamp are grouped together.

You will need to change the category grouping similar to the "StepFunctionChart" sample discussed in the following whitepaper (near the end): - search for "StepFunctionChart".

Basically, you need a category grouping expression that will make sure every data row is its own group, e.g. by concatenation:

=Fields!Y.Value & "|" & Fields!TimeStamp.Value

-- Robert

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