Tuesday, March 27, 2012

check previous row in the table


Is there any way to check previous row in SQL Query?

I have a table with these column :
Audit_Time (datetime)

I want to delete record from database in which the Audit_time is <'01/05/2004'.
However before deletion, I want to check, if the Changes value is 'OLD' And the previous value is 'NEW', I will check the Audit_time of the NEW instead of OLD.

Table :
Row Name1 Name2 Audit_Time(mm/dd/yyyy) Changes
1 ABCD EFGH '01/01/2004' ADD
2 ABCD EFGHIJ '01/04/2004' NEW
3 ABCD EFGH '01/04/2004' OLD
4 Klarinda Rahmat '02/08/2004' NEW
5 Klarinda Rahmat '01/04/2004' OLD

In this case, I want to delete row 1,2,3 Where the audit_time are < '01/05/2004'.
Row 5 the audit_time also < '01/05/2004', however the changes='OLD' and the previous value changes='NEW', so I will check the Audit_Time of row 4 which is not < '01/05/2004'.
So I can't delete row5.

Is there any way to check previous row or the row before a specific row in SQL.
Any suggestion is welcomed.
Thank you in advanced.You can use a Cursor in a Stored Procedure. It would be very complex though...|||Check out the EXISTS keyword (assuming SQL server)...sql

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