Tuesday, March 27, 2012

check query status

Is it possible to create an SSIS package that checks for a running Query on my SQL db?

I need to some how check my SQL server and see if there is a query running, if its running I need to set an indicator in my table for my app. This job needs to be scheduled and run nightly (which I can do). But how can I query SQL and see if the query is still running?

There is nothing specific in SSIS that can give you that info; but perhaps you can put a query that gives you that inside of an execute sql task...|||

I want to use SSIS to create the package and use the SQL Task in the package, But how can I 'ping' the sql server to verify the sql query is still running or not? That's the portion I'm stuck on.

What would that query look like? Can this even be done?

|||Your question is one of a Transact-SQL nature and as such should probably be asked over in that forum. http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=85&SiteID=1

Come back here if you need help implementing the resulting query inside SSIS.|||You can use sp_who or sys.sysprocesses to get lists of running processes. sys.sysprocesses would be easier to work with, if you are on 2005.

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