Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Check if column (int) is true or false (bool)

Is there some way I may "convert" an int column to boolean with the
SQL query? I have a database with an int column containing only 0s and
1s - using it as a Boolean. Now, I need the Boolean values false and
true in order to use the .net checkbox.
I have tried the following:
SELECT userID, (chkName = 1) AS bChkName, name
When chkName = 1 it will return true, and vice versa when it equals 0.
This should produce something like this:
userID bChkName name
2 true Peter
3 true Linda
4 false John Doe
according to the int in chkName.
This of course didn't work and now I am hoping for your help... do you
know of any solution?
there is no direct way to do this
select userID, case when chkName =1 then 'true' else 'false',name from user
Knowledge is power, share it...
"royend" <royend@.gmail.com> wrote in message
> Is there some way I may "convert" an int column to boolean with the
> SQL query? I have a database with an int column containing only 0s and
> 1s - using it as a Boolean. Now, I need the Boolean values false and
> true in order to use the .net checkbox.
> I have tried the following:
> SELECT userID, (chkName = 1) AS bChkName, name
> FROM User
> When chkName = 1 it will return true, and vice versa when it equals 0.
> This should produce something like this:
> userID bChkName name
> 2 true Peter
> 3 true Linda
> 4 false John Doe
> according to the int in chkName.
> This of course didn't work and now I am hoping for your help... do you
> know of any solution?
> royend.
>|||This really does not solve my problem, as it returns a string and not
a Boolean value.
The asp:checkbox requires a boolean in order to become checked or
In worst case scenario I'll have to code inside some of Visual's
predefined and automatically added code...
Still, I am a bit surprised that SQL cannot return a bool value for
one of its column based on a simple test.
Thanks for your answer though.
On 25 Jun, 13:02, "vt" <vinu.t.1...@.gmail.com> wrote:
> royend
> there is no direct way to do this
> select userID, case when chkName =1 then 'true' else 'false',name from us
> Regards
> VT
> Knowledge is power, share it...http://oneplace4sql.blogspot.com/"royend"
<roy...@.gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1182768635.843541.88960@.c77g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
> - Vis sitert tekst -|||Try this...
select userID, convert(bit,chkName) as BoolName,name from user|||> This really does not solve my problem, as it returns a string and not
> a Boolean value.
And ASP.Net can't turn 'true' or 'false' into Boolean values? Isn't that an
ASP.Net problem, not a SQL Server problem?

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