I tried to search if this had been asked before but didn't found anything so I hope It has not been 100 times before me.
Is it possible to check if a database allready exist in the SQL Server 2005? If for example I want to create a database called "Testing" I first want to check if the database exists before I create it.
Thanks in advance!Try:
if not exists(select * from sys.databases where name = 'Testing')
create database testing
Hope this helps.
Niels|||Thank you, that worked great, now I just have to figure out how to check if a table exists in the database =)|||
You can use the various metadata functions.
if db_id('dbname') is not null
if object_id('object_name', 'U') is not null -- for table
if object_id('object_name', 'P') is not null -- for SP
These are much easier to read and use than queries against system tables/views. See SQL Server 2005 Books Online for more details on the object_id function.
|||The problem with all of your methods for checking table (or object) existence, is that it will only check in the current database for the object.
Here is a SPROC that will check another database for the existence of an object:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ObjectCheck_sp]
@.DB SysName,
@.Name SysName,
@.Type nvarchar(1000)
Declare @.Out Table ( ResultSet XML )
IF LEFT(@.Type, 1) != '('
SET @.Type = '(' + CHAR(39) + @.Type + CHAR(39) + ')'
Set @.CMD = 'Select * from [' + @.DB + '].sys.objects where name=' + CHAR(39) + @.Name + CHAR(39) + ' and type in ' + @.Type + ' For XML Auto,Type'
Insert into @.Out
EXEC ( @.CMD )
IF EXISTS ( Select *
from @.Out
where ResultSet is not null )
END -- Procedure: ObjectCheck_sp
An example call is:
Declare @.RetVal INT
exec @.RetVal=ObjectCheck_sp @.DB='master', @.Name='MSreplication_options', @.Type=N'( ''U'', ''V'')'
Select @.RetVal
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