I wrote a VB code to generate a xls file. Users are able to run it fine but if they have another file with same name already open, then it just crashes excel.
So I want to include a code that checks if file "file.xls" is open on user's machine.
If file is open, then message "file "File.xls" is already open. Generating File_1.xls"
Run the code but create the file with file name "file_1.xls"
If file doesn't exist, then run code and create file with file name "File.xls"
So basically I want the code to run and generate the file. Only difference is that if file with same name is already open, then just rename the newly created file.
Here's the code I've created for generating the file:
Public Function getrmpricing()
Dim queryoption As String
Dim ans, Msg As String
Dim fs As Object
Dim sTemplateFile As String
Dim e_TemplateFile As String
On Error Resume Next
If Forms!rmpricingdataform!BU = "CS" Then Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim xl As New Excel.Application DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "CustPricingbyRMCrosstabquery", acFormatXLS, "c:\customerpricing.xls", True Case "CRM" End Select 'fs.DeleteFile e_TemplateFile & "crm proposal input.XLT", True - NEWLY COMMENTED OUT DoCmd.CLOSE acForm, "rmpricingdataform"
sTemplateFile = g_dashboard & "crm proposal input.XLT"
e_TemplateFile = "C:\"
MsgBox "No template available for CS!", vbOKOnly, "RM Pricing Report"
fs.CopyFile sTemplateFile, e_TemplateFile, True
xl.Workbooks.Open e_TemplateFile & "crm proposal input.XLT"
Dim xs As New Excel.Application
Select Case Forms!rmpricingdataform!BU
xl.Run "'crm proposal input.XLT'!CRM_CAPSPriceTemplate.CRM_CAPSPriceTemplate"
xl.Workbooks("crm proposal input.XLT").CLOSE
'xl.Workbooks("crmpricing.xls").Save - NEVER USED
Set fs = Nothing
Call AuditTrail("RM Pricing report", "Execute")
End If
End Function
Please advise.
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